Diskriminering och inkludering
Diskriminering och inkludering
What is discrimination? How do we prevent discrimination? How do we create inclusive workplaces and a society for everyone?
In this digital training you will learn more about discrimination, active measures, how norms affect and how we can work for inclusion. Are you interested in a demo or do you want to buy the training for more people in your organization? Contact [email protected] .
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Vill du lära dig mer om diskriminering och inkludering?
Den här utbildningen vänder sig till dig som vill lära dig mer om diskrimineringslagen, förebyggande arbete med aktiva åtgärder och hur man kan arbeta för att skapa en inkluderande kultur och ett samhälle för alla.
Kursen går igenom diskrimineringslagens krav och hur man bör arbeta förebyggande för att motverka diskriminering. Den innehåller även konkreta och praktiska tips för att komma igång till både chefer och medarbetare som vill arbeta för en inkluderande arbetsplats.
I kursen finns fem kapitel:
1. Diskriminering
2. Förebygga
3. Normer och inkluderande kultur
4. Ett samhälle för alla
5. Kunskapstest
The training contains five chapters including a final knowledge test.
The course is designed to suit different learning styles. You can both read and listen to it. The chapters contain factual text, a list of important words and concepts, a short quiz and tips on how you can get started with your own work. The course also includes a longer cartoon about the Discrimination Act.
The course is divided into the following chapters:
1. Discrimination
This chapter provides a deeper understanding of the discrimination law. The course participant learns about what discrimination means, the seven grounds of discrimination and the six different forms of discrimination.
2. Prevent
This chapter provides a deeper understanding of how to work preventively against discrimination with active measures. What is important to consider in the prevention work? What does the responsibility to investigate, analyze, remedy and follow up mean? What does the responsibility for active measures look like for you as an employer and training provider?
3. Norms and inclusive culture
This chapter focuses on how we can work to create a more inclusive workplace culture. Surveys show that in workplaces with an inclusive culture, staff turnover is lower and employee engagement is higher. In this chapter, you will gain more knowledge about standards, what inclusive culture means, as well as practical tips for getting started that are aimed at both employees and managers.
4. A society for all
This chapter deals with the protection against discrimination and how to create an inclusive society for everyone from a broad perspective. Protection against discrimination applies to many different areas of society. It provides protection for children and students at school, for those who receive support from social services, for those who rent an apartment, shop in a store or perform services at the bank. In this chapter you will also learn more about accessibility and how we create an accessible society for everyone.
5. Knowledge test
In this chapter, you get the opportunity to test all the knowledge you have gained via the other chapters of the training.
After you have completed the entire course and completed the knowledge test, you have the opportunity to print a diploma.
The Discrimination course has been developed by Hanna and Goliath Law & Digital Education and its founder Hanna Gerdes.
Hanna Gerdes is a human rights lawyer, author and lecturer.
Hanna has previously worked as a lawyer at the Office against Discrimination and the Human Rights Fund, equal treatment strategist for the Swedish Armed Forces, expert at the State Council Committee and at the Discrimination Ombudsman.
Hanna has written several books and methodological materials on human rights and non-discrimination. Read more about Hanna at hannagoliath.com .
In the work of developing the course, several other people have also been a support, including:
Course text and content regarding standards, inclusion and inclusive workplaces: Gabriella Fägerlind, senior equality and diversity consultant and researcher at KTH. Gabriella is the author of the books Diversity in practice – handbook for business development and Equality in practice – how you develop your workplace.
Web development and technology: Gerdes IT AB