
Children rights

Children´s rights are human rights. They are protected both by international and Swedish law.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child is a legally binding international agreement and since 2020 also a Swedish law. The Convention sets out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of every child.

In Sweden, you are regarded as a child until your 18th birthday. It means you have a right to protection, care and the right to be heard on matters concerning your life.

All rights for children have equal status as rights. This means that human rights cannot be ranked in a hierarchical order. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is a holistic framework in which all rights reinforce each other.

The Convention however has four core principles – nondiscrimination, the best interest of the child, the right to life and personal development and the right to expression and opinion. These core principles should be guiding in all implementations of children rights.

Working with a child right-based approach means having the implementation of children’s rights both as a goal and as tool in all work we do.

Are you interested to learn more on how the implement the legal framework of the Convention on the Rights of the child in your organization?

Listen to Podcasts with Hanna and Goliaths regarding the Convention on the Rights of the Child here and here .

Read articles and Interviews with Hanna Gerdes.

Buy Hannas book on the Convention on the rights of the Child here

Contact Hanna and Goliaths for more workshops, trainings and keynote speeches here .

Do you need help with understanding the children rights?

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