
Sustainable development and Agenda 2030

Imagine a world where no one is left out. A world where every human being has the opportunity to be included economically, socially and politically on equal terms.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a global political commitment to try to create jsuch a world. In Swedish the SDGs are often referred to as Agenda 2030.

In 2015, world leaders adopted a new global development agenda to create a more sustainable world by 2030.

The agenda contains 17 goals and 169 sub-goals. Many of the goals in Agenda 2030 are in practice about realizing human rights.

To create long-term sustainable development, therefore, both political will and knowledge of what human rights entail are needed.

An ambition with Agenda 2030 is that it should include everyone. But how do we make sure that no one is left behind in practice?

Do you want to learn more about sustainable development and the implementation of human rights?

Contact Hanna and Goliath here.

Read Hanna and Goliaths three books about sustainable development and disability here

Or download Hanna and Goliaths books on the Sustainable Developlment goals and the right to education (SDG 4), the right to work (SDG 8) and reducing inequality (SDG 10)

Do you need help with understanding the sustainable development and agenda 2030?

Contact us